Res de Hoc

Bene advenisti in Histologium Kotobae


Hoc est meum blog proprium, ingenio Hexo creatum, et per GitHub operans.
Histologium nominis est vocabulum fictum, ex relatione ad vocabulum istologio Neo-Graece, in quo hist- valet rete Latine (net vel network Anglice), et logi- valet scriptum Latine.
Hìc res de linguisticà, mathematicà, informaticà (scientià computatrale), ceteràve pono. Corrige si erro.
Vide hoc (aut Anglice) quoque ad res de me cognoscendae.

Here is my own blog, created by Hexo and working on GitHub.
Histologium is the name is a constructed word, inspired by istologio in Modern Greek, in which hist- means net or network, and logi- means writing (written thing).
I put things here about linguistics, mathematics, informatics (computer science), or others. Please correct me if there is any mistake.
See also this page (or in Latin) for my own information.

>> Fractura memoriae in Mari Datorum <<

If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be J.-P. Serre's Linear Representations of Finite Groups.

My creator is a Professor at the College de France. He has previously published a number of books, including Groupes Algebriques et Corps de Classes, Corps Locaux, and Cours d'Arithmetique (A Course in Arithmetic, published by Springer-Verlag as Vol. 7 in the Graduate Texts in Mathematics).

Which Springer GTM would you be? The Springer GTM Test


Nexus Aifadian // 爱发电赞助链接

Urgetur ab Hexo and Hexo-theme-hiker

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